Author: Eugene Nunley

  • Simple Foods, Local Grocer, Better Health

    Don’t Fall For Quick Fixes Where ever you look it seems, there’s some new gimmick, or, a new prescription or med that is going to ‘instantly cure’ whatever is wrong with you. You might be sick, maybe have knee pain, or, possibly your hair is falling out. Take your pick. You see this kind of…

  • 10 tips for healthy aging

    10 tips for healthy aging This is a short video describing 10 ways you can help yourself live a long and happy life

  • Longevity – The Radical New Science

    Life expectancy has actually doubled since 1990. The panelists in this video talk about the outer limits of aging. How long can we live? How long do others want to live? Can aging be slowed? Can it be stopped? Can it be eradicated like smallpox and other diseases that typically have a high mortality?

  • Sex And Other Stuff That Gives You A Boost

    Sex is enjoyable Believe it or not, sex is actually proven to be effective in making people look younger by seven years. Research says that sex cause people to have lower blood pressure and boost your immune system. Aside from that, endorphins which are released during sexual intercourse can make you feel at ease and…

  • Foods With These Nutrients For Youthful Skin

    Selenium Most commonly found in sea foods, eggs, cereals, and eggs it is a mineral that some think helps fight skin disease such as skin cancer. It also preserves the elasticity of the tissues and slows down aging. There have been previous researches on animals regarding the use of selenium. The research shows that Selenium…

  • Common Cosmetic Surgery Options

    Soft-Tissue Fillers Average cost: Ranges from $468 to $1,658, depending on the procedure Having trouble with saggy skin? Then Soft-tissue fillers procedure will definitely solve your problem! As people get older, their faces sag and deflate. These injectable fillers restore the fullness of the face especially between your nose and in the corner of your mouth.…

  • Live The Anti-Aging Lifestyle

    People have devised so many ways to look younger. Like not eating processed foods, using antiaging products, avoiding processed foods, etc. If you want to look young forever but is clueless as what to do don’t worry because there are about a hundred ways to impede aging up fast and these are just a few…

  • Good Anti-Aging Supplements

    Nobody stays young for eternity. But the use of antiaging supplements claims that it would add years to your life. Due to this claim, the use of antiaging supplements nowadays has been rampant. It cannot be denied that most people just wanted to stay young forever. However, there are still some who question the capability…

  • Skin Treatments That Make You Look Younger

    Have you ever dreamt of having the face of your favorite movie star? Have you ever wished of looking young for the rest of your life? Well, going under cosmetic surgical procedure is definitely the best way to turn your dreams into reality! Nowadays, cosmetic operations have been widespread worldwide. Obviously, most of us want…